
Showing posts from June, 2023
  POINT STATE PARK FOUNTAIN PITTSBURG P.A. This was May 9 2023 at 12:40 P.M.  We were just starting out on the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) trail, bikes fully loaded for 4 days of riding, 150 miles.  We postponed our trip one week because it was supposed to rain everyday the week before and we were rewarded with beautiful weather the whole week.  You can see my Pedego e-bike in the foreground.   It was definitely tricky weaving our way through Pittsburg on the bike trail with all the construction detours but eventually we found the trail.  Pittsburg is a beautiful city.  This is a photo taken from the middle of the Hot Metal Bridge which connected the blast furnaces on one side of the bridge to the open hearth furnaces on the other side and carried crucibles of molten iron for the conversion to steel.  In WWII that bridge carried 15% of the total US steel making capacity.  Pretty impressive!   Sorry, I didn't take a picture of the bridge.  I was so relieved having left Pittsburg f