
Showing posts from April, 2024
Last Ride Raleigh N. Carolina April 29 The Crabtree Creek Trail in Raleigh is a city made trail that winds through various areas of parkland in Raleigh.  This was a very challenging trail, lots of curves, ups and downs, steep hills leading to street crossings and few signs.  Sections of the trail were unfinished and impassable.  We only rode 25 miles but it was very strenuous.   I do have a few photos.  The painted poles represent years and levels of flooding.  One photo shows the legend that explains the paintings.  I have also included a  photo of Jackie, (Dennis's daughter) John and their newly adopted dog, River, whom we saw yesterday.  Tomorrow we head home, about a 5 hour and 15 minute drive if we're lucky.   Jackie, John and River Dennis riding through a crazy tunnel under a road painted poles representing levels of flooding legend for painted poles my bike in foreground of legend paintings representing flooding events  
April 28 Just had to post this picture of our gorgeous pet sitter, Kelsey.  I think the cats are safe.   Kelsey  
  April 27, Day 12 upper Silver Comet Trail This was the best section of the entire trail and the closest end to Atlanta.  We rode on a Saturday which is never good (too many people) but a beautiful ride.  One very large tree was down crossing the trail which caused a small delay.  I didn't take a photo, too busy trying to lift a 70 lb bike over the tree with people backed up.    caboose sheriff's office Steve taking a selfie of the three of us (nice guy)
one of three tunnels (don't know why this came in here)  Ap ril 26, Day 12--Silver Comet Trail The Silver Comet Trail in Georgia is without a doubt the more scenic of the 2 trails, it's wide and cement the whole way, really a pleasure to ride.  We rode back with Steve, a Texan, (pictured below), another guest at Becks Manor and will have dinner with him in Rockmart.  Not much to tell.  No nasty dogs and all went smoothly. Steve took this at Texas Steak House Steve trail art maple trees lining the trail remnants of a forest fire that covered one complete mile on the trail
April 25, Day 11 Silver Comet Trail We rode 40 miles today from Cedartown Georgia almost back to Piedmont, Alabama but not quite.  Still not much to see.  Becks Manor B & B still the highlight of the trail. We had a wonderful breakfast and good company.  There is another biker here our age, Steve.  He's doing the trail also, maybe with better gear.  He had a wonderful bike mounted camera, we'll look into buying one when we get home. Just a few photos and one little incident.  We were passing a woman walking 3 small dogs, 2 on leashes, one of which bit my leg.  I was so shocked that I didn't have time to stop although I told her.  The one that was loose was coming around the other side of my bike looking to do more damage.  Nasty little critters.  Dog bite  view from the trail welcome center mural Lyreleaf Sage Helmeted Guineafowl (definitely my best photo) me standing in Alabama  Dennis almost in Georgia Wild Geraniums (I think)
April 24, Day 10 Chief LaDiga Trail Alabama/Georgia New day, new state, new trail.  We drove to Piedmont, Alabama today to begin our four day exploration of the Chief LaDiga Trail which becomes the Silver Comet Trail in Georgia.  Today we rode from Piedmont to Anniston Georgia where the trail ends, tomorrow and Friday we'll ride the middle and the fourth day we'll ride the other end.  One note on Piedmont where we parked.  Dennis left his car door wide open to talk to another rider and forgot to close it while we rode.  Our luggage and computers etc were all in the car and no one touched it in the four hours we were riding.  We met this rider named John on the GAP trail a year ago and he said he was bored to tears on that trail so whenever we ride we judge how John would like the trail.  He wouldn't like this section of the trail even though it is paved the whole way and merits the title of "Hall of Fame Trail".  It's straight, and uninteresting.  The three to
 April 23,  Day 10--CHATTANOOGA 65 degrees, sunny, beautiful city nestled in the mountains, sprinkled with art, what's not to like?  We had a great 24 mile ride.  Not too many pictures because there was so much artwork I didn't want to keep stopping my bike.  It followed the very impressive Tennessee River almost the entire way.  We lost the trail a few times due to switchbacks and elevation changes which added to the fun.  Tomorrow Alabama. art on the trail switchback ramp to trail (we found a better ramp) mile marker 7 mile marker 8 city sign view of Tennessee River from the trail art museum on the trail interior of restroom at ice cream shop (lunch) look closely for the horse by Butterfield railing at art museum trail art  
Day 9 Kephart wildflower Hike First you'll see some "footlogs" which are bridges and then lots of wildflowers. (in reverse order) Wood Betony False Solomon's Seal Robin's-Plantain Brook Lettuce Golden Ragwort Painted Trillium Wild Geranium reason for footlog footlog Dennis crossing bridge best of the footlogs last footlog