April 25, Day 11 Silver Comet Trail

We rode 40 miles today from Cedartown Georgia almost back to Piedmont, Alabama but not quite.  Still not much to see.  Becks Manor B & B still the highlight of the trail. We had a wonderful breakfast and good company.  There is another biker here our age, Steve.  He's doing the trail also, maybe with better gear.  He had a wonderful bike mounted camera, we'll look into buying one when we get home.

Just a few photos and one little incident.  We were passing a woman walking 3 small dogs, 2 on leashes, one of which bit my leg.  I was so shocked that I didn't have time to stop although I told her.  The one that was loose was coming around the other side of my bike looking to do more damage.  Nasty little critters. 

Dog bite 

view from the trail welcome center


Lyreleaf Sage

Helmeted Guineafowl (definitely my best photo)

me standing in Alabama 

Dennis almost in Georgia

Wild Geraniums (I think)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohhh no! Are you ok?! Sorry to hear. I hope the woman seemed apologetic. I took a bad fall last weekend after our RipIt race was over and we were finishing unloading everything into the storage unit. A friend was picking up the big tier flags we put up at our races and didn't realize I was behind her. When I see a flag coming towards my face I go to step back so she wouldn't hit me in the face with it....problem was I did not see the metal dolly standing upright directly behind me and I backed into it causing it to move backwards and take me with it. My entire body landed directly on top of it, completely parallel to it. Talk about OUCH! Currently all bruised up, but slowly starting to feel better.

    I hope your leg feels better soon and you have a continued enjoyable trip. Again, pictures are lovely. Even the sexy ankle pic. ;-)


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