DAY 7 July 14. Green Bay WI

Today was one of our longer drives.  It took us 4 1/2 hours to drive from St Ignace around the top of Michigan on Lake Michigan's shore line.  It was an interesting drive, a few really nice houses on the water  and so many trees!!  Sometimes they form a wall which looks impenetrable.  They changed in density once we hit Wisconsin.  

We were able to check into the Hampton Inn at noon so we did and immediately went for a bike ride on the Fox River Trail which stayed paved for 11 miles and then changed to crushed stone.  The top photo expresses city pride.  They have a very nice waterfront area, bars and restaurants and lots of condos. right on the trail.  We rode through some neighborhoods of million dollar homes complete with tennis courts overlooking the river and some condos and townhouses, a real mix.  Outside of the city limits the trail left the river and passed by some big farms.  At mile 6 we took a detour to see a working lock that allows boats to by-pass the 2 small dams on the river.  There was also a park.  The second picture is all the locks at the lock, just an incredible number of locks, some really nice ones.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of them.  I don't understand this trend of leaving a lock but I've seen it elsewhere.

We returned to the hotel near dinner time and after showers walked down to the city "deck" by the river for dinner and entertainment.  It was mobbed, "Friday Night on the Fox".  I believe Dennis was the oldest person there and I was maybe 2nd oldest. Still, it was fun people watching and the band was actually pretty good.  Food was lousy but the mango vodka lemonade made up for it. 

Again we had perfect weather all day and really enjoyed being outside.  Tomorrow Fish Creek and Tony and Renee.  Can't wait to see their pottery studio and shop.


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