Saturday July 28 2024 E Syracuse to Conastota

Today's ride was hot and dusty.  We expected crowds because it's Saturday but didn't see that many people.  The trail was along the Old Canal which is not used for boating or travel and very few people have homes on it.  So a little boring.  We ended up in Conastota a very little town that was hit by a hurricane about two weeks ago and we saw a little damage from that. There was not one port-a-pot or restroom facility along the way, a 35 mile round trip!!

I didn't take many pictures.  But here they are.

This is a mural in Conastota and it's reflection.

We couldn't believe the speed limit.  Usually it's 15.  I think it's more for the snow mobile riders in the winter.  A good shot of how boring the trail was.

Another indication of how boring the trail was.  This is a "dog-bane" beetle according to my phone.

  We are in Schenectady right now.  We may get to meet up with Libby and Susie (my sisters in law) in Cohoes tomorrow for lunch.


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