Day 9 July 16 Jay Hoffman's birthday (Hi Jay)

Today we rode to Milwaukee WI from Cedarburg and back, a distance of 20 miles.  Dennis was really looking forward to this ride.  He loves an urban ride where we can see neighborhoods and backyards and we were both looking forward to seeing the downtown waterfront.  Unfortunately we didn't know that there would be a Harley Davidson convention of at least 1000 bikers which closed the downtown trail and most of the waterfront.  They were just setting up when we got there but it was very difficult getting around.  Also the trail was a bit dull, lots of overhead wires and very few back yards.  Then there were the seams.  The trail was paved but there were these nasty little crevices every 20 feet where they joined the sections, not the total 20 miles but a good part of it.  Bump, bump, bump, it became annoying.  I do have to say that Wisconsin has the most considerate drivers that we have come across.  Every time we came to a crossroad all approaching cars would come to a stop so that we could ride through.  It was kind of amazing.  

The picture on top is Milwaukee from the trail followed by a photo of their new and very impressive art museum.  It looks like an alien sailboat and is apparently very popular.  Another picture of the downtown and the last photo is a painting on set of steps, pretty neat.

After riding we drove for an hour into Illinois to stay with Dennis's sister, Ramona and her husband, Jerry.  Their son, John (brother to Tony from Fish Creek) stopped by for a visit.  It was nice seeing everyone and Ramona prepared a wonderful meal for us.  That's 2 meals in a row without French fries!!!!  

Tomorrow we ride the Des Plaines River trail.  I love the rivers.


  1. This post gave me a chuckle. Still glad your day ended with a home cooked meal at Aunt Ramona's. I know she and Jerry were happy to see you guys.


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