If you have ridden the NCR Trail you probably know about the gnomes.  This guy who lives right on the trail has created a hill of gnomes with all kinds of little signs and tree art.  It's really impressive.  He also has a cooler of water bottles free for a small donation.  I spoke to him one time and he clearly enjoys the reactions of all the passers-by.  We met some other bikers riding the other way who said the trail was clear to I-83 so we had some hope.  
We made it to mile 13.5 and really hit a road block.  A Hugh pile of trees but followed by 2 more huge piles.  Finally Dennis convinced me to turn around.  I remember him saying I could do what I wanted but he was turning around.  I was too disappointed to take any more pictures.  We weren't looking forward to the ride back but the road crews were out at mile 9 and were in the midst of clearing the trail.  So we just had one huge mess to get around instead of three.  
Jared met us in Sparks.  We dropped him off at home, had lunch at Serpico's (I'm not kidding) and drove to York to find our B and B called Grace Manor.   



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