As you can see we passed our 2500 mile mark on the odometer.  I had to watch it for a mile so that I could get this shot.  it's only been 13 months so we're pretty proud of that.

Corn carving in tree stump.  Like I've said before there's an artist in all of us.

Apparently this was a bank at one time in Tebbetts MO

Not a whole lot of stuff to photograph today.  But this artist has murals elsewhere and he's pretty good.

The very calm Missouri River.  I tried to get a picture of some beaches but the trees were pretty dense.  Still a beautiful river.

Shortly after hitting my 2500 mile marker I hit either a black walnut or a hickory nut, maybe even a rock which threw my bike off the trail and when I tried to correct I went down.  Landed on my shoulder mostly and my helmet.  You should always wear a helmet.  I put some dents in mine with this fall.  Fortunately we were close to our lunch stop where Debbie and Dennis cleaned and bandaged the scrape.  Then, (you're not going to believe this) there was a chiropractor's office right on the trail.  So I walked over and she x-rayed it and felt around a bit.  It felt dislocated but it wasn't nor was there a break, but maybe a hairline fracture.  So she used some little punching pen to put it where it should have been.  Then she taped it.  She said I could ride but to keep it as quiet as possible and not to fall again.  A sling was recommended for evening.  Todd who has been transporting our bikes took me to Walgreens where I found all the supplies I needed.  I feel pretty good.  Tomorrow is a 33 mile ride so I shouldn't have too much trouble with that.  I'm getting lots of sympathy. I'm sure everyone is glad it wasn't them.  I am typing with one hand.  Dennis has been a great nurse.  



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