Missouri State Capitol Jefferson, MO

Capitol from the outside

This is the bridge that we rode over the Missouri in order to get to Jefferson City where we are staying.

This is the ramp we had to ride to take the bridge over the Missouri.  We were pretty high up.

The Missouri River

There's some artist in everyone.  This is called "Boat Henge".  It's just to the side of the trail.

This magnificent tree is the oldest (400 yrs) Bur Oak Tree in existence.  It's a lot bigger in person.


Same tree from a distance.  Dennis is still in the foreground.

This is a cave that Lewis and Clark supposedly used.  Now it's private property and off limits.

The Trail

This interesting mural was on the side of the building where we had breakfast.  You can see Daniel Boone, some Indians, a locomotive and we couldn't figure out the woman's significance.

This is the Roucheport Tunnel which was pretty impressive from the outside.

Today's ride was 52 miles which is one of our longest rides on the trip but well worth it for all things to see and with the river coming in and out of view.  The trail itself is in great shape, hard packed gravel and sand, so almost like paved.  But I think the best part is the camaraderie.  We have so much fun with the other riders.  More tomorrow. 


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