April 19, Day 6 Gatlinburg

No bike riding today😢.  Dennis and I played pairs bridge in one of the biggest regional bridge tournaments on the East coast.  We didn't do very well in the morning game but scored 63.45% in the afternoon game for a combined earning of 4.6 gold points.  

Some interesting people and some very strange people attend this event.  Two women came all the way from Kauai.  One woman had the cutest support Boston Terrier.  I have never seen a dog so well behaved.  She was never on a leash and followed her person everywhere.    

We had a very nice dinner with some bridge friends, Lynn Jones and Paul Benedict, two exceptionally good bridge players and enjoyed the day.  Gatlinburg is like Ocean City without the ocean.

speaks for itself



  1. I see you met a bear. Was he playing bridge too in the tournament? ;-)


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